Monday, November 27, 2006


Love: is it an emotion that can be captured by a mere word? What does love mean to you? Call upon your past experiences and relationships. Can the desperate movements of two lovers be categorized? The intense ocean of emotion that breathes down your spine, causing chills. Every moment in your life leading up to this, this chaos in your head, your mind bubbling over with intangible words.

Can the love a mother and child be measured? Can there be a substitute? Some one else to take you carefully out of the perfect temperature bathtub, and wrap you in a soft, warm towel? No words are needed as she kisses your head and sets you down on the couch.

And the connection between two sisters, the absolute connection between you and I. You call me to make sure I am alive, when at the same moment I wonder the same for you.

I know that the word Love can portray many scenes in your head. I want you to know what the word Love means to me: Patting someone's back as they projectile vomit, when I make a mistake, and you are there to point it out, in a constructive way, the reaction of your dog after she runs away, and you leave her in the dog pound for a night. She pees on the floor, and snorts and whimpers.

I love you.

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